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Media Coverage

How Integrating Research Into Private Pharmacy Practice Can Support Care and Diversity in Clinical Trials

By taking a research-based approach, clinical trials can become more diverse and better serve the needs of all individuals.

Gastro Broadcast: Does Your GI Practice Have a Clinical Research Program?

Dr. Michael Weinstein interviews Dr. Don Lazas, co-founder and chief medical officer of ObjectiveHealth about partnering with physicians to provide the tools needed to integrate clinical trials into their practice.

Applied Clinical Trials Podcast: The Evolution of Early-Phase Research

In the latest Applied Clinical Trials podcast, ObjectiveHealth’s co-founder and chief executive officer Colleen Hoke, discusses the evolution of clinical research and what trends lie ahead for the future.

Three Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Improve the Clinical Trial Process

In this pharmaphorum article, ObjectiveHealth’s chief technology officer Josh O’Rourke, shares how AI is making the clinical research process faster and easier for providers.

How Integrating Clinical Trials Into Private Practice Can Benefit Patients & Physicians

In this Pharmacy Times article, ObjectiveHealth’s co-founder and chief medical officer Don Lazas, MD, discusses how integrating clinical trials in physician practices can empower the health of patients.

ObjectiveHealth Announces Strategic Growth Investment from Vitruvian Partners
How Dermatological Practices Can Integrate Clinical Research
How clinical research is zeroing in on fatty liver disease
Leveraging Technology to Accelerate Trial Recruitment with Colleen Hoke, ObjectiveHealth
4 Ways Clinical Research Partnerships Can Elevate Urology Private Practices
Four Reasons Why Clinical Research Can Be a Natural Fit for Private Practices

In this Nashville Medical News article, ObjectiveHealth’s co-founder and chief medical officer Don Lazas, MD, examines four reasons why clinical research can be a natural fit for private practices.

Advances in the Field of Clinical Research: Improving Patient Outcomes at the Point of Care

cityCURRENT Nashville Radio Show interviewed ObjectiveHealth’s co-founder and chief executive officer, Colleen Hoke, to discuss various trends and significant advances in the field of clinical research.

Leadership Principles to Implement for Organizational Success

The Nashville Business Journal interviewed ObjectiveHealth’s co-founder and chief executive officer, Colleen Hoke, on what leadership principle she leaned on the most this past year.

How Advances in Technology are Transforming the Clinical Research Industry

On the Job Stories Podcast season premiere, ObjectiveHealth’s chief technology officer, Josh O’Rourke, sat down to discuss various trends and significant technological advances within the field of clinical research.

Thought Leaders Explore New Ways to Promote Clinical Trial Diversity

In this Association of Clinical Research Professionals article, ObjectiveHealth’s co-founder and chief executive officer, Colleen Hoke, examines opportunities to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in the delivery of clinical research.
