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Powering Analytics
for Trial Transparency

ObjectiveView is a sponsor portal that allows visibility into study and site-specific quality performance metrics, that expedites the identification of the highest probable patients to join studies.


Unparalleled Access to Recruitment and Trial Data

With real-time, full integration into the EHR, ObjectiveView pulls back the veil to recruitment and trial data that has not historically been accessible to sponsors, powering analytics for full trial transparency.

Expediting Enrollment Timelines

Over 80% of trials fail to meet their patient recruitment timelines. Extending studies increase costs, expend resources, and ultimately delay market introduction. ObjectiveView was built to solve the unpredictable nature of enrollment timelines, trial expenses and patient recruitment.

6-8 Weeks Faster Intelligence of Enrollment and Retention
Full Integration into the EHR
Real-Time 360° Patient View

A 360° Patient View

With ObjectiveView, we are improving patient outcomes by harnessing the power of efficient data collection and analysis. In leveraging this technology, you have access to:

  • Recruitment Visibility
    Our holistic patient view offers sponsor visibility into the real-time, total eligible recruitment funnel for all prescreening, screening, enrollment, and retention steps.
  • Study Performance
    From enrollment through screening, and throughout a study, our metrics allow real-time updates on how a study is performing, and where it is headed in the future.
  • Customization
    With full access to their data, users can customize individual dashboards and create graphs, charts and queries based on the criteria they choose to fit a specific study.
  • Sharing and Alerts
    Built as a collaborative tool, ObjectiveView provides the ability to send out automated reports to selected distribution lists and share timely reports through email or slack.